E12: Discovering Your Soul's True Name & Home

Spirituality and Higher Self

In this podcast episode, we delve into the intriguing realm of discovering your soul's true name and home. Many spiritual seekers are fascinated by the idea of connecting with their higher self and unlocking profound insights about their existence.

Exploring concepts such as your soul's name, understanding why you are here, and uncovering your soul's home can lead to a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey. By delving into these aspects, you can embark on a quest to find meaning and purpose in your life.

Join us as we discuss insightful guidance on how to navigate the journey of discovering your soul's information. Through introspection, storytelling, and how connecting with your inner soul can change your life, you can learn why to unveil hidden truths that resonate with the core of your being.

Host: Holly Janes

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E12: Discovering Your Soul's True Name & Home
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