E9: True Ghost Stories: The Seance That Uncovered a Gruesome Crime in My Apartment

A true paranormal story

E9: In this episode of the podcast, I delve into a personal experience that left me both intrigued and unsettled. Attending a séance about my own apartment unraveled a chilling tale of a murder-suicide that had taken place within its walls, shedding light on the ghostly activities that had long puzzled me.

The encounter with the supernatural during the séance brought to the forefront the eerie presence that lingered in my haunted apartment. It was a revelation that blurred the lines between reality and the paranormal, leaving me with answers about why my apartment had some many paranormal problems!

Host: Holly Janes

Connect: https://linktr.ee/sithrainstitute

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E9: True Ghost Stories: The Seance That Uncovered a Gruesome Crime in My Apartment
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